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  • Approvals from BESCOM, KPTCL and CEIG
  • Preparation of the Construction Site and Earthwork
  • Transmission and Distribution of Electricity.
  • Assembly and Installation of Electrical Capital Equipments
  • Installation and Configuration of Auxiliary Systems
  • Landscaping and Cleaning Construction Waste
  • Testing and Commissioning
  • Wiring Materials
  • Light Fittings
  • Earthing Materials
  • Upgradation Works
  • Control Cabling Works
  • Lighting Arrestor Installation


  • Approvals from BESCOM, KPTCL and CEIG
  • HT Installations
  • HT Breakers - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning.
  • HT Equipment’s
  • HT Structures and Sub Stations
  • HT Power Distribution Systems
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Reactive Maintenance
  • Annual Maintenance
  • Transformer Oil Filtration & Testing of Relays
  • Testing and Quality Check Services
  • Electrical Commissioning Services


  • Approvals from BESCOM, KPTCL and CEIG
  • LT Installations
  • LT Breakers - Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning.
  • LT Equipment’s
  • LT Structures and Sub Stations
  • LT Power Distribution Systems
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Reactive Maintenance
  • Annual Maintenance
  • Transformer Oil Filtration & Testing of Relays
  • Testing and Quality Check Services
  • Electrical Commissioning Services